Terms and Conditions

Below I have laid out the terms and conditions that set out the expectations of both parties when we work today - expectations of the Speech and Language Therapist and of the client. Please read them carefully and CONTACT ME if you have any questions. It is important that all clients sign a CONSENT FORM before work commences and you can find one HERE.

Services and fees

A list of services available can be found on my website at www.cslc.uk

Fees are subject to annual increases each year. Existing clients will be given 4 weeks’ notice of any changes in fees.

Travel costs

There is an additional mileage and travel time fee incurred for visits that our outside of a 10 mile radius from CA3 0JD. Mileage is charged at 45 pence per mile thereafter. Google Maps will be used to calculate mileage.

Travel time will be calculated and charged with a 50% discount on the usual hourly rate. A fee for travel time will only be incurred if journey time exceeds 15 minutes. 


Invoices are sent by email following the appointment. A paper copy of the invoice can be requested and sent out. Clients are requested to settle their accounts within 10 days of the invoice date. Should there be a problem with this then please CONTACT ME. Preferred method of payment is via bank transfer to the following account:

Account Name: PJ Wills        Sort Code: 60-04-30                Account Number: 16374819

Cash or BACS payments are also accepted.

Should the matter of non-payment arise then a reminder will be sent and wherever possible the matter will be dealt with amicably. If payment is not received in full within 10 days of the date of the reminder then I reserve the right to initiate legal action. Please CONTACT ME to discuss any issues with non-payment so that wherever possible we can avoid legal action.

Cancellation policy

It is reasonable to cancel appointments either on the part of the client or the Speech and Language Therapist due to illness. It is courteous to give as much warning as possible. Depending on the nature of the sickness it may be necessary to allow a 48hour period of time free of sickness before sessions commence. This will be confirmed at the time.

If a session has been arranged in a clients educational setting then please do advise the Speech and Language therapist not to attend. A cost may be incurred for the session including travel.

A fee for the session and travel costs may also be incurred when attending an appointment and there is no answer or nobody in.

Sharing information

It is important to note that there may be other professionals involved with your child that along with myself. It is good professional practice to liaise wherever necessary with other professionals (including NHS Speech and Language Therapists, Educational Psychologists, School staff) and to share information. Information will only be shared to meet the needs of the client and their best interests.

Parental consent will be gained to share this information/

Discharge from the caseload

It is my professional duty to review the progress of any client on a regular basis and if I feel that therapy is no longer required or that it is not proving effective then this will be discussed with parents/carers and a recommendation made that Speech and Language Therapy no longer continue and the client would be removed from the caseload. Should circumstances change in the future and concerns arise then please CONTACT ME and we can review the situation and where appropriate begin sessions again.

Data Protection and GDPR

Data protection information can be found within my Privacy Policy. A copy of this policy can be found on my website www.cslc.uk If you would like a paper copy then this can be requested if you CONTACT ME.

Joy Wills is registered with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) as a Data Controller.

All client details, case notes and correspondence will be stored securely and treated confidentially according to General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018.

Reports and programmes are stored on a password protected computer.

Paper based confidential information (including case notes, client details, correspondence, assessments) is stored securely in accordance with General Data Protection Regulations.

In accordance with professional standards, all records will be kept securely until your child is 25 years old (or 7 years after therapy has ceased for adults, whichever is the longer). After this time all records relating to your child will be destroyed.

You may apply in writing to access a copy of your child’s notes or to request modifications of any inaccuracies. Modifications can be discussed but it will not be possible for me to amend details in a report that go against by professional knowledge and judgement. Wherever possible these requests will be dealt with within 30 days.


I have clearing from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) and a request can be made to see the certificate of enhanced disclosure at any time.

In the event of a safeguarding concern, where your child or another person is at risk of harm, I have a legal obligation to share that information with relevant professionals in line with the Safeguarding Children’s Act 2004.


In order to try and reduce the amount of paper used, I prefer to use email as a means of communication. Should you wish to use another method of communication then please discuss this with me. Clients will be referred to in emails by initials or first names and any reports sent will be password protected in order to allow for greater security.

Photos and video recordings

It is necessary at times to record an assessment session in order to analyse it back to provide the most accurate advice and recommendations. Photos and videos will be stored on a password protected device in accordance with data protection and deleted once they are no longer required.

Disagreements and complaints

In the unlikely event that you are not satisfied with my service please contact me. I will make every attempt to resolve this through discussion.

If it is not possible for us to resolve matters, and you wish to make a formal complaint then please contact the Association of Speech and Language Therapists in Independent Practice (ASLTIP) at www.helpwithtalking.com .

Therapist’s responsibilities

What can you expect from Cumbria Speech and Language Consultancy?

A combination of:

  • Assessment (formal and informal)
  • Therapy programmes (individual and group)
  • Recommendations, strategies and advice re: resources
  • Training and support for member of staff acting as Speech & Language Therapy Assistant (SLTA)
  • Consultancy, training and support for teaching staff (and where appropriate parents/carers)
  • Joint working with school staff, NHS therapists and other multi-disciplinary colleagues
  • Written reports

The therapist works primarily between the hours of 8:30am and 5:00pm and this time may include any of the above responsibilities.

Client’s responsibilities

What is expected of you?

Your responsibilities are:

  • Gaining parental consent in advance of Joy Wills, Speech and Language Therapist (SLT) working with pupils
  • Support the work being undertaken by SLT and be committed to the carryover into daily activities
  • Provision of a quiet room/area to conduct 1:1 assessments/deliver therapy
  • Allocation of a person as a point of contact. This person may be expected to disseminate relevant materials and reports to school staff and is usually a role performed by the SENDCo.
  • Designation of a member of staff who will be present during group therapy sessions (usually a teaching assistant) in order to transfer skills and support carryover and for safety reasons.
  • Time with a member of staff at the beginning and end of the contracted period in order to discuss the aims of the service, transitions and any handover procedures. This is a role usually performed by a member of the senior leadership team.